Atheism is the protasis
That if finding credibility, Still produces no apodosis, For it lacks a Creativity. Atheism is the protasis That if claiming my reality, Disproves its own apodosis, For it lacks Originality.
Bonhoeffer says:
The fellowship of the Lord's Supper is the superlative fulfillment of Christian fellowship. As the members of the congregation are united in body and blood at the table of the Lord so will they be together in eternity. Here the community has reached its goal. Here joy in Christ and his community is complete. The life of Christians together under the Word has reached its perfection in the sacrament. Life Together. San Francisco, CA: HarperSanFrancisco. 1954, p. 122. Bonhoeffer says:
Prayer is entitled to its time. But the bulk of the day belongs to work. And only where each receives its own specific due will it become clear that both belong inseparably together. Without the burden and labor of the day, prayer is not prayer, and without prayer work is not work. Life Together. San Francisco, CA: HarperSanFrancisco. 1954, p. 70. With indisputably true suppositions
The atheist scientist makes observations That bolster belief in a cosmos of chance-- A theory the "fittest" alone can advance To deceive humankind that God has repressed her-- What name does he give to our common ancestor? What name can he give to his fair Evolution, Selecting the best for the next generation? Perhaps if more fit, he'd be more scientific Than to give the name Chance to his quite unspecific Philosophy, knowing that Chance is like Luck-- Neither can make his primordial muck. Behe says aptly:
In a nutshell, the argument goes like this: "We can't think of any good reason for this arrangement; therefore there is no good reason for it. So no intelligent designer would have done it that way." But ignorance of the workings of sophisticated biological machinery is no argument for Darwinism. (p. 50) Bluntly, Darwinism's icy grip on modern intellectual life is based on shoddy philosophy, not science. (p. 51) Darwin Devolves: The New Science about DNA that Challenges Evolution. New York, NY: Harper One. 2019. Bonhoeffer says:
So between the death of Christ and the Last Day it is only by a gracious anticipation of the last things that Christians are privileged to live in visible fellowship with other Christians. It is by the grace of God that a congregation is permitted to gather visibly in this world to share God's Word and sacrament. Not all Christians receive this blessing. The imprisoned, the sick, the scattered lonely, the proclaimers of the Gospel in heathen lands stand alone. They know that visible fellowship is a blessing. They remember, as the Psalmist did, how they went "with the the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holyday" (Ps. 42.4). But they remain alone in far countries, a scattered seed according to God's will. Yet what is denied them as an actual experience they seize upon more fervently in faith. Thus the exiled disciple of the Lord, John the Apocalyptist, celebrates in the loneliness of Patmos the heavenly worship with his congregations "in the Spirit on the Lord's day" (Rev. 1:10). He sees the seven candlesticks, his congregation, the seven stars, the angels of the congregations, and in the midst and above it all the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, in all the splendor of the resurrection. He strengthens and fortifies him by His Word. This is the heavenly fellowship, shared by the exile on the day of his Lord's resurrection. Life Together. San Francisco, CA: HarperSanFrancisco. 1954, p. 18-19. Edwards says in a sermon to children:
There is no love so great and so wonderful as that which is in the heart of Christ. He is one that delights in mercy; he is ready to pity those that are in suffering and sorrowful circumstances; one that delights in the happiness of his creatures. The love and grace that Christ has manifested does as much exceed all that which is in this world as the sun is brighter than a candle. Parents are often full of kindness towards their children, but that is no kindness like Jesus Christ's. quoted from Ortlund, Dane. Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers. Crossway Books: Grand Rapids, MI. 2020. p. 96. Ortland says:
Better to be biblical than artificially "balanced." Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers. Crossway Books: Grand Rapids, MI. 2020 |
Michael Price - I am a husband, father, poet, and science teacher at a classical Christian school in Memphis, TN. I have three volumes of poetry. New book available now!
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